What tasks do you entrust to MARCOPOLO PERFORMANCE?


Their team is working with us on a collective coaching mission for 12 managers in our IT department, a mission that is spread over approximately 2 years. Their approach alternates between team work and sessions that take place in “seminar” formats in external locations.

What objectives led to the setting up of this collective coaching support?


This mission is in line with our Group values, where benevolence and high standards are essential. In this respect, we are developing management by ambition, with the aim of gradually developing the teams and the organisation. This is a “step-by-step” approach, in a context of transformation of our Group’s organisation, in which the IT Department wishes to open up to its internal clients in order to better respond to their challenges. This mission is also taking place at a time when part of the IT Department’s management team has been renewed, a favourable period for carrying out this transformation..

What topics are you working on?


We are pursuing two main, closely related priorities: to work better together, to develop our agility, in the service of our internal clients and to get to know each other better, both as colleagues and as individuals, to understand what motivates us and what makes us uncomfortable.


Each participant started by carrying out an I-Lead test, which allows a first analysis of the success and failure loops, and to anticipate the first actions to be built. The team work then begins, prioritising 4 topics that we have selected. A regular follow-up is then put in place, over time, to encourage anchoring by repeating, analysing, and of course measuring progress. Group sessions are organised every month, with individual coaching for certain employees, depending on their needs.

How can you define MARCOPOLO PERFORMANCE’s know-how in the field of team coaching?


They develop a very effective methodology, which allows change to be achieved by giving meaning to people’s behaviour. They create a very natural climate of empathy, through their sensitivity to the human being in all its dimensions, and through their technical mastery of the different phases they lead us through. In addition to their technical expertise, their leadership skills are essential, and they show great sensitivity to each member of the team. They adapt to the different perceptions of each person, working on the emotions in the relationship with the other. Because the motivational levers differ from one employee to another, they help to understand how each one functions and to find the area of professional satisfaction. This ability to “see between the lines” allows them to propose practical solutions.
Finally, they have helped us to set up a very comprehensive feedback mechanism after each session, so that we can better interact and progress. This way, we move forward together in complete transparency, and can see the progress made after each step by the whole team.
And as this progress is real and can be measured day after day, we are delighted to have entrusted this mission to MARCOPOLO PERFORMANCE!